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Simoneti - Blue Donkey Petnat Tsitska

Funky and Vibrant pet-nat, Simoneti Transformed Tsitska into fresh Infinity Bubbles. Fermented in the bottles with temperature control, Pet Nat has notes of Apple and citrus notes will catch you by very elegant and light texture and opulent intensely fresh. This is all about the nature and effervescence inherent to Imeretian high-altitude vineyards
Colour icon Sausais
Colour icon Tsitska
Colour icon Imeretija
Colour icon Klasiskā
Colour icon Imeretija
Colour icon 750 ml
Colour icon Mussels, Limoncello Gelato
Flavour icon} Āboli
Flavour icon} Citroni
Flavour icon} Laima miziņa

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